About Us

We met when we were studying abroad in the now infamous Perugia, Italy, too many years ago to name. It became clear rather quickly that we shared a strong love for Italian food and wine. We nursed each others hangovers. We ate as much pasta as humanly possible. In fact, we would often look at each other and say, “Big bowl of pasta time!”

Julia and MelissaOur friendship survived the return to the States, and we made yearly trips to see each other: enjoying the Kentucky Derby, attending graduations, becoming a part of each others families. Our lives seemed to always be in sync. When I called to tell Melissa that I was going to get married, she had the same news for me! We went to grad school around the same time, got married a couple of months apart, and began to run our own homes around the same time. We discovered that we share a love of home projects, diy adventures, and the simplicity and complexity of quality cocktails. It was only a matter of time until Hooch & Home was born! We hope you are as excited about it as we are!

The concept is simple. We’re amateurs looking to improve our homes and drinks on a budget. Each project is paired with a drink. We can’t promise the results will always be perfect, but the cocktails will always be tasty!

We’d like to add that we definitely advise working on projects and then indulging in your alcoholic treat because booze and power tools never mix! Unless you are mixing your cocktail with a power tool. Always DIY and drink responsibly.

3 Responses to About Us

  1. Joseph says:

    This is my first time here! Love it! Joseph

  2. Adrienne says:

    Great concept. Love the Cointreau and plan to make a batch today. What a wonderful friendship!

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